Josh is a Boy Scout and an avid outdoorsman. He specialize in knives (and other cutting implements), various knots & lashings, traditional skills such as blacksmithing & woodworking, bushcraft and fire starting. Currently Josh is in the process of outfitting an operational blacksmith/wood wright shop for use as an instructional aid and as a home for his hobbies of knifemaking, woodworking and leatherworking. Josh also reviews the latest flashlights and survival gear for SurvivalCache.
Josh’s book reviews cover every aspect of survival: Back to Basics, When All Hell Breaks Loose, and The Survival Handbook. Josh has also written the following articles: Survival Gear Review: SureFire LX2, Three Tier Survival Kits, 5 Types of Machetes and How to Use Them, and Understanding Axe Types.
How does Josh answer 17 Survival Questions?
1. Please describe your Every Day Carry?
My EDC consists of my wallet, small first aid kit, cell phone, assisted opening knife, Leatherman multi-tool, Surefire LX2 Lumamax
2. Favorite Bug Out Pistol?
Glock 19
3. Favorite Concealed Carry Pistol?
N/A – Not old enough yet
4. Favorite Bug Out Rifle or Carbine?
Custom built AR-15 chambered in 6.8 mm
5. Favorite Rifle or Carbine?
Custom built AR-15 chambered in 6.8 mm
6. Favorite Shotgun?
Mossberg 500 12 ga. with pistol grips, and weapon light
7. The amount of food you have at your house?
Up to three weeks of food actively stored with quantity depending on the distance in between shopping trips, plus a mid sized garden and small flock of chickens.
8. Name your top 7 items in your Bug Out Bag?
The seven most important items in my BOB listed in no particular order are my large first aid kit, my various forms of shelter, a means of carrying and purifying water, redundant forms of starting fires, MREs, my survival knife, and my Bible. With these seven items I am confident that I could survive for some time.
9. Describe your Bug Out Location, if you have one?
Don’t have one yet
10. Describe your Bug Out Vehicle?
2010 Ford E-350 12 passenger van stocked with a vehicle emergency kit
11. Describe your Bug Out Bag?
U.S. Army issue A Bag (large capacity duffel bag)
12. Favorite home defense pistol?
Not old enough yet
13. Favorite home defense Rifle/Shotgun?
Mossberg 500 12 ga. with pistol grips, and weapon light
14. Favorite Survival Book?
My favorite fictional survival book is “Lights Out” by: David Crawford , with “Alas Babylon” by: Pat Frank a close second. My favorite non fiction survival book is “The Survival Handbook“
15. Favorite Survival Type Movie?
Jeremiah Johnson, while not really a “survival” movie is still a favorite that depicts some of the challenges by a individual surviving in the outdoors.
16. Survival Knife?
The Parry Blade
17. Survival Tools in Your Kit?
See “There Tier Survival Kits” for list