How to Store a Fishing Kayak

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By Bryan Rucker •  5 min read

If you want to make sure that your kayak is in top shape and remains that way while also adding to the lifespan of it, then you will need to properly store it when you aren’t using it or when the kayak fishing season ends.  Here are a few tips that will keep your kayak protected from distortion or damage to the hull as well as from the weather and the sun, regardless of whether you keep your kayak at a club, a dock, a deck, your cabin or your home.  Leaving it out by itself can cause the weather and the sun to affect the performance of the kayak.

Protect Against Damage and Distortion to the Hull

Time will pass regardless of what we do and with the passage of it, the hull of your kayak can bend or even become deformed if you don’t ensure that the weight of it is evenly distributed.  Kayaks that are made from fabric and plastic have more of a tendency to do this than wood hulled and fiberglass ones, but wood and fiberglass can be damaged by this too.  When you store a kayak on its hull, it means that the hull is then taking the entire weight of the kayak.  This can lead to distortion and that distortion can impact the performance.  In an ideal situation, the best way to store your kayak so that any hull damage is avoided is by storing it laying on its side.  The side of the kayak is the strongest part.  It is very important to make sure that the weight of the kayak is evenly distributed and you should also avoid any type of hard surface supports that may be able to cause damage to the hull.  While it might not be instantaneous, a kayak that is not stored properly will eventually lead to the hull being damaged.

The ideal solution for storage is by suspending the vessel on webbing that is UV resistant while also making sure that the weight is distributed evenly with two points.  The webbing will actually conform to the shape of the hull while it also cradles the boat in order to prevent any damage or flat spots.  You also need to be able to adjust the webbing to the length of the kayak.  Support the boat in such a way that the weight is equally balanced on the webbing and aligned to the toughest part of the hull.  If it supported too close to the center or the ends, the kayak will end up being strained and this can also result in the boat coming to have the shape of a banana over time.

Protect it from the Sun, Harsh weather and Other Elements

The sun is dangerous to a kayak because of the fact that it can degrade any material that the hull is made from whether it is plastic, carbon fiber, Kevlar or fiberglass.  Also, the kayak being exposed to the weather over long periods of time can also lead to the degradation of the hull.  If you want to give your kayak the ultimate protection, it needs to be stored indoors.  If this is not an option that is available to you, store it underneath a protective covering.  If you use a covering made from fabric, look for one that is resistant to water and has been UV treated and that will also be resistant to mildew.  When you use the cover for your boat, make sure that it is angled in such a way that the snow or water will drain off the side.

Safety for Yourself and the Kayak

It is imperative that you store your kayak securely whether it is only for a short period or for a season so that accidents are prevented.  If you follow a few guidelines, you will be able to safely store your kayak.

Choosing the Ideal Storage System

Keep in mind that getting the right storage system will be critical to ensuring that your kayak ready for action whenever you are.

Bryan Rucker

Brian Rucker has spent his entire life participating in essentially all things wildlife. His concern grew astronomically during the previous tensions between the United States and other nations. He also has grown a substantial interest in survival and sustainability due to the current shape of the world over the years. He believes that preparation triumphs all things.