The factor that most Preppers are concerned about most is virtually always linked to government collapse, unrest with war, or other disastrous scenarios.
Nevertheless, with as much prepping as many of us do, it’s essential to understand which laws may not lean in our favor and those that do.
This is why I’ve created an article that’s simple to understand and broken down easily. Throughout this article, I’ve listed each state which may negatively or positively impact you.
This keeps it short and sweet so you’re left with a considerable amount of knowledge to keep you out of trouble.
Plus, you may even find a state that suits your prepping style better than the one you’re currently residing in. First, let’s cover the federal laws.
If you do not see the law you came for, please click here to view nearly all laws in the United States. Click here to learn how to get started prepping.
Top 6 Federal Laws To Know.
1: Anti-Hoarding Laws
The main idea of prepping is to store as much food, water, ammo, weaponry, first-aid, and other essential items as possible to make survival in any SHTF scenario more likely. A law that can come between this, however, is the federal anti-hoarding law.
This law means that if you have too much food, water, or other supplies stored, the government can take it from you. There is a catch, though; This law only applies if the food was obtained during a crisis.
Many people think that this law applies in all cases, but if you buy supplies outside a crisis, then it is perfectly legal and the government cannot legally take your cache. Nevertheless, if they don’t know about it, it doesn’t exist, right?
2: Explosive Laws
Explosives are sought after to possess by many preppers, as explosives are essentially the biggest middle finger to most protection materials like armor. Not to mention it’s clearing abilities.
First and foremost, you need a license to possess explosives, I’m not talking fireworks, but the big boy explosives like tannerite. Many types of explosives are not technically explosives until they’re mixed with certain chemicals, though.
However, as soon as they’re mixed and become explosive and you do not possess a license, you can land yourself in big trouble, in any state. To avoid this, go down the list below and check out the state website.
3: Moonshine Laws
If you’re surprised that I’ve included this law, don’t be. It’s not just about the buzz, but the fuel that moonshine can provide you to power certain equipment. If I told you that it’s federally legal to make moonshine at home, you’d call me crazy, but it’s true.
There is a catch, though. Firstly, you’ll need a federal license to do this legally. Then, you have tons of restrictions. The main being that alcohol can only be used for fuel, not drinking. Although it’s the same as what the moonshine is made of; you understand…right?
There is no limit as to what size of the distillery you can have, but if it’s used for alcohol, it can only be up to one gallon. Nevertheless, it’s a great way to make your fuel at home legally, for a “couple of reasons.” Check here for tons of info.
4: OSHA Gasoline Regulations
Gasoline is needed to power most vehicles and other means of transportation or equipment, which are in many plans being made by preppers to escape town while bugging out. The gasoline can also be used for generators.
If you are currently storing gasoline or plan to store gasoline in the future, then understanding the laws put forward by OSHA is critical. OSHA states that gasoline cannot be stored near exits, stairways, or near highly trafficked areas.
They also state that any storage area must be OSHA approved, as well as the nozzle and hose used if any. Not following these laws could land you an expensive ticket, or worse. Keep in mind, any container used to store gasoline must also be approved to store gasoline.
5: Selling & Growing Tobacco
A product, or plant, rather, that I see many preppers store for bartering, personal use, and more is tobacco. This plant, which is used in cigarettes, cigars, and snuff products is legal to grow on your personal property.
You don’t even need a license to do so, but this must only be for personal use. Now the very law that makes this legal for only personal use may not even exist if SHTF, which is something to think about if that’s when you plan to barter it.
This is great, considering all of the opportunities this brings. This way, if you own a farm, homestead, or any other area great for tobacco growing, you can do so without worry of any prosecution.
6: Martial Law
This is one of our worst nightmares: government takeover, literally. Martial law, while not enforced in everyday life, is worth knowing what it is. Martial law starts with military control of the public, in most cases. If the civil rule fails, Martial law is there to take over.
If a SHTF scenario like nuclear war, EMP, solar flare, or mega volcanic eruption occurred, Martial law would likely be enforced. This will bypass essentially all of your rights, privately and publicly.
Although Martial law is unlikely to happen, if it does, you should be prepared. Not only prepared by having food and water, which is important if civil unrest occurs, but prepared to give up your rights. We cannot fight our Military, so preparing is the next best option.
Top 6 Factors To Consider In All 50 States
1: Handgun Carry Laws
If you’re like most preppers, you have some sort of firearm ready to protect you and your family. Since covering all firearms would require us to omit much of the article, we will only be covering handguns, which often have the strictest laws.
Many states require a license to either carry openly or concealed. If you’ve recently moved, or see a move in the future to another state, knowing if open or concealed carry is allowed or not could be a make it or break it deal for you.
This is also important for novices to know because it’s easy to cover your handgun strapped to your belt with your shirt which would make it concealed and land you in trouble, depending on the state. Nevertheless, you’ll see the laws for this very topic under every state.
2: Taser Laws
If you live in a state that prohibits concealed carry or just simply want to carry a taser instead, knowing the taser laws for your state is also critical. Tasers are not necessarily something known to pose a deadly threat, but possessing one in some states can land you in jail.
Many states allow them, but only openly, or vice versa. These are also great for use in areas where firearms are illegal, and pack a punch if used correctly. This list will cover the taser laws in every state.
This list is for regular tasers, not stun guns or other complex tasers like tools. Many states prohibit stun guns, so do not get the two confused and get yourself into trouble. Nonetheless, tasers are a great tool to have, especially if you do not have a firearm.
3: Knife Laws
I don’t know about you, but I and many other individuals carry a knife at all times of some sort. I’ll be honest, I was very surprised at the sheer amount of knife laws throughout the states. There are many different knives, all falling under different types of weapons.
Some of them are known as deadly weapons, others, known as non-deadly, some of them are even illegal if it looks too intimidating which could “scare” someone, Nevertheless, I’ve covered the general knife laws for every state.
Most notably, I found that pocket knives were legal in an overwhelming amount of states, but others like gravity or butterfly knives were legal, only if carried openly. Several types of knives exist, so please check the state website for more information if you do not see yours.
4: Rain Harvesting Laws
Water is essential to store for anyone, but this is especially the case for preppers, as this is one of the most common preps. This is not the only reason to catch rainwater, though. Rainwater is a great source of water for everyday use.
This is especially the case for those of you who live off-grid or do not have many other resources for water readily available. This law is important to know because it’s easy to set up a rain harvesting system and not think about whether or not it’s legal, because it seems so natural to do.
Something just does not sit right with me as to the government regulating mother nature’s gift. I’ve covered its legality in every state, this way you can stay out of trouble if it turns out to be illegal or regulated in your state.
5: Trapping Laws
Many preppers live off-grid and naturally assume that trapping is perfectly fine to do, and this is true in most cases. However, some states make this act outright illegal or require you to trap during a specific time of the year, depending on the animal.
Since there is not enough room to cover each animal here, I’ve covered whether or not it’s actually legal in each state. Many states also require a permit, and some others require one to catch certain animals, so it’s best to check the states website to view the specifics.
Nevertheless, this list will cover which states allow it, just in case you’re unknowingly trapping where you shouldn’t or if you want to know this fact about other states, which may be the case if you want to move at some point and trapping is a food source for you.
6: Solar Laws
Solar panels are undoubtedly one of the most renowned, world-changing pieces of technology ever created. They’re used by collecting sun rays and turning them into energy, which can be used to power anything from homes, businesses, equipment, and more.
Many states require a permit to use solar panels, others only allow them for certain uses, and some states require you to stay connected via the grid. This kind of defeats some of the purpose that many are seeking – off-grid use.
The laws for solar panels are pretty different from state to state, which is why I’ve added them to this list. Some states also provide incentives to use solar, or if you stay connected via the grid.
6 Critical Laws To Know For Preppers: All 50 States
1: Alabama
- Handgun Carry Laws: Alabama requires that everyone who carries a concealed handgun must possess a permit, open carry does not require one.
- Taser Laws: No laws were found that banned the use of any type of taser in the state of Alabama.
- Knife Laws: Switchblades, butterfly knives, gravity knives, dirks, stilettos, and all folding knives are legal. Knives such as bowies are illegal when concealed.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This is considered a right on private property for all residents.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Disconnecting from Alabama power is illegal, so you must pay up to $5 or more per kilowatt used by solar to Alabama power.
2: Alaska
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open and concealed carry requires no permit to use.
- Taser Laws: There are no laws in Alabama that prevent the use of any Taser.
- Knife Laws: There are no knives that are illegal in Alaska at this time, whether it be open carry or concealed carry.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This is legal under all circumstances in Alaska.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Perfectly legal, but Alaska lacks much sunlight, which may affect the solar charge.
3: Arizona
- Handgun Carry Laws: No permit is needed for open carry, but concealed carry requires a permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal in Arizona, no types banned.
- Knife Laws: Arizona has no laws as to what types are illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This state allows rain harvesting systems for all residents.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: You must pay a solar tax if you disconnect from the power grid, which is illegal otherwise.
4: Arkansas
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry allowed with no permit, concealed carry requires a permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All knives are legal in the state of Arkansas.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: The state allows this with only a few minor restrictions.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: There are zero laws here stating it’s illegal or requires taxes.
5: California
- Handgun Carry Laws: Concealed allowed with a permit. Open carry prohibited.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Hidden knives such as key knives, canes, and other similar styles are illegal in California. Most switchblades and daggers are also illegal. Pocket knives are legal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater catching is legal in the state of California.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: It is illegal to use Solar in California unless you obtain a permit in some areas of the state.
6: Colorado
- Handgun Carry Laws: Colorado allows open carry without a permit, concealed carry requires a permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Colorado bans the use of all ballistic knives. However, bowies, butterfly knives, balisongs, stilettos, and dirks are legal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Residents can catch a maximum of 110 gallons at any one point.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Colorado says that it’s legal to use solar, but some areas require you to be connected to the grid.
7: Connecticut
- Handgun Carry Laws: Must have a permit for both open and concealed carry.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: There are no knives which are found to be illegal in Connecticut, many knives have maximum sizes to keep under to stay legal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This is legal and has zero regulations in Connecticut.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar is legal in Connecticut.
8: Delaware
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry prohibited, concealed carry requires a permit in Delaware.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Any knife which will not set off a metal detector is illegal, plus any knife over 3”. No other restrictions were found.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Delaware allows the harvest of rainwater, with no regulations.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar use is encouraged in all areas of Delaware.
9: Florida
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry prohibited in some cases, concealed requires a Florida permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Ballistic knives are not legal. Knives are legal under 4”, but all knives require permits if over 4”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Zero regulations exist in Florida for rainwater collection.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Florida is still in a mess with solar laws, but it now appears to be legal.
10: Georgia
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry allowed, concealed is legal with a permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: There are no restrictions as to what you can carry, but you must have a permit if the knife is over 12”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Must only be collected for the use of outdoor purposes.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Georgia allows for full disconnect from the grid by using solar power.
11: Hawaii
- Handgun Carry Laws: Both concealed and open carry requires a permit.
- Taser Laws: It is illegal to own a taser of any type in Hawaii.
- Knife Laws: Tactical knives are legal. Butterfly knives and switchblades are illegal. Any knife that is considered dangerous is also illegal to carry, open or concealed.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Hawaii enforces no type of regulations for collecting rainwater
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar panel usage is legal in Hawaii.
12: Idaho
- Handgun Carry Laws: No permit is required to carry a handgun concealed or openly.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Only pocket knives are legal, all other types are illegal unless they are shorter than 4” unless you have a permit.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Virtually no regulations on collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: All residents are allowed to use solar energy and stay off-grid.
13: Illinois
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry is prohibited, although concealed is allowed with a permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Ballistic knives, throwing knives, and switchblades are illegal unless you have a firearm permit, which makes switchblades legal. Pocket Knives are legal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Many regulations exist in this state. Cannot store rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar is encouraged here.
14: Indiana
- Handgun Carry Laws: Concealed and open carry requires a license in Indiana.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Any throwing knife or ballistic knife is illegal, but knives such as dirks, daggers, and pocket knives are legal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Indiana promotes the act of collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Unfortunately, solar energy is illegal in Indiana, except for some cases when they’re placed on or near log cabins.
15: Iowa
- Handgun Carry Laws: Licenses are required to carry openly and concealed in Iowa.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Ballistic knives are illegal. It is also legal to open carry any knife, but illegal to carry knives longer than 5”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Zero regulations exist that prevent rainwater collecting.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Iowa promotes solar use, but many areas require a permit.
16: Kansas
- Handgun Carry Laws: Kansas does not require a permit to carry a handgun concealed or openly.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Many knives like Bowie’s, daggers, and stilettos are legal. Ballistic knives and throwing stars are illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater collecting is legal in this state.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Some areas allow solar use, but it requires you to be connected to the grid. Others don’t, so it’s best to contact your city hall.
17: Kentucky
- Handgun Carry Laws: Concealed requires a permit, however, open carry does not.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All knives are legal in Kentucky, but if not a pocket knife or hunting knife, it cannot be legally concealed.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: The state of Kentucky allows rainwater collecting for all.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Kentucky allows full-spectrum use of solar panels throughout the state.
18: Louisiana
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry does not require a permit, concealed carry does in Louisiana.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Automatic knives are illegal, but all other knives are legal in Louisiana.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This act is legal, as long as each tank is adequately protected.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar panel use if found to be legal, requiring no permits.
19: Maine
- Handgun Carry Laws: Permits are not required to carry a handgun openly or concealed in Maine.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Concealed carry of dirks, switchblades, and stilettos are illegal. These are otherwise legally openly carried, including pocket knives, hunting knives, and throwing stars.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: There are zero regulations for collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: There were no anti-solar laws found in Maine, a state that encourages solar use.
20: Maryland
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open and concealed carry both require a permit in the state of Maryland
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All knives of any type are legal in the state of Maryland. Almost all knives are illegal to conceal, except knives similarly sized to pocket knives.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: No regulations were found in Maryland for collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar power is legal in Maine, but expect to have to get a license to do so legally.
21: Massachusetts
- Handgun Carry Laws: Massachusetts requires a permit for concealed and open carry.
- Taser Laws: It is illegal to own a taser of any type in Massachusetts.
- Knife Laws: Generally, all knives are legal. However, any knife that can be locked open is illegal, or if it’s perceived as dangerous. Spring release knives are also illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Massachusetts allows the act of collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar energy is legal in Massachusetts, but permits may be required in some areas.
22: Michigan
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry is allowed without a permit, but concealed carry requires a Michigan permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All legal knives can be carried openly. This includes daggers, bowie knives, dirks, butterfly knives, and switchblades.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Collecting rainwater is legal in the state of Michigan.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Michigan allows the use of solar panels, rarely requiring a permit to use them.
23: Minnesota
- Handgun Carry Laws: Permits to carry is required for both open and concealed carry.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Knives can only be carried with the purpose of utility. Any knife that is designed to cause harm is illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Collecting rainwater is legal with zero regulations found.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Fees may be required in your area, but solar panels are otherwise legal.
24: Mississippi
- Handgun Carry Laws: Concealed carry requires a permit, open carry, however, does not.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Any knife is legal, provided you do not conceal a bowie, switchblade, or butcher knife, as doing so is illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: It is legal to collect rainwater in Mississippi.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: It appears that Mississippi requires you to be connected to the grid for solar use to be legal.
25: Missouri
- Handgun Carry Laws: You do not need a permit to carry a handgun openly or concealed.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Missouri allows the use of daggers, throwing stars, slim knives, dirks, and switchblades. Pocket Knives and hunting knives are also legal. You can conceal a knife under 4”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater collecting is not regulated in this state.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Missouri has zero laws negatively affecting solar usage.
26: Montana
- Handgun Carry Laws: Concealed carry does require a handgun permit, but open carry does not.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: There are not any laws that prohibit any certain type. Just the size, which maxes out at 4”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: No laws or regulations were found for collecting rainwater in Montana.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Incentives are given to some people who install and use solar in Montana.
27: Nebraska
- Handgun Carry Laws: This state only requires a permit for concealed carry, open carry does not.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Ballistic knives, stilettos, switchblades, and bowies are legal to use, although you cannot conceal any knife over 3.5”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater collecting is legal in this state with no regulations.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Nebraska has very relaxed solar laws, making them legal in this state.
28: Nevada
- Handgun Carry Laws: Nevada allows you to carry openly, but requires a permit for concealed carry.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Bailsongs, throwing knives and stars, dirks, daggers, and hunting knives are legal in Nevada. However, these knives are illegal to conceal, except for pocket knives.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Must possess a water rights grant, otherwise illegal.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Permits are required in most areas to use solar, but it is otherwise legal.
29: New Hampshire
- Handgun Carry Laws: License required for concealed and open carry, although open carry only requires a loaded firearm permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All knives in the state of New Hampshire are legal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This state has no regulations for collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: New Hampshire offers incentives to those who use solar while tied to the grid, they are also legally untied.
30: New Jersey
- Handgun Carry Laws: New Jersey requires everyone to possess a permit for open and concealed carry.
- Taser Laws: It is illegal to own a taser of any type in New Jersey
- Knife Laws: Bowies, throwing stars and knives, balisongs, and pocket knives are legal in New Jersey. You cannot conceal carry any of them except for pocket knives.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rebates available. Otherwise, zero regulations were found.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: In most cases, residential homes can legally be untied and powered by solar.
31: New Mexico
- Handgun Carry Laws: Concealed carry does require a permit in New Mexico, but open carry does not.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Stabbing knives, bowies, throwing knives, dirks, and daggers are legal. These are illegal to conceal, however, except for pocket knives.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: The collection of rainwater is legal in New Mexico.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Most areas require a permit, but solar panels are legal in New Mexico.
32: New York
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry is prohibited, but concealed carry is allowed with a New York permit.
- Taser Laws: It is illegal to own a taser of any type in New York.
- Knife Laws: Hunting knives, stilettos, gravity knives, and daggers are legal to possess in New York. Ballistic knives, cane swords, and knuckles knives are illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Taught in school and heavily encouraged, no requirements.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: New York is strict with solar panel usage, but if you play your cards right, this can be done legally.
33: North Carolina
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry is permissible without a permit, but the state does require a permit for concealed carry.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Gravity knives, bowies, dirks, stabbing knives and switchblades are legal. It is illegal to possess ballistic knives, bowies, dirks, and daggers while they are concealed.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater is legal in North Carolina, with no negative regulations.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar panels are legal to use to power your home, untied from the grid.
34: North Dakota
- Handgun Carry Laws: No permit is required in North Dakota to possess a handgun, openly or concealed.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All knives are legal in North Dakota. However, some of them cannot be concealed. This includes gravity knives, scimitar, dirk, daggers, and sabers.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: The collection of rainwater is found to be legal in this state.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar panels are legal to use in the state of North Dakota.
35: Ohio
- Handgun Carry Laws: A license is needed to carry a handgun concealed, but not openly in Ohio.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Gravity knives, balisongs, ballistic knives, stilettos dirks, and daggers are legal. Any knife considered a deadly weapon is illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Collecting rainwater is legal for use of fewer than 25 people.
- Trapping Laws Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: There are now laws that make solar panel usage illegal in Ohio.
36: Oklahoma
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry does not require a license, but you’ll need one to carry concealed.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Daggers, stabbing knives, switchblades, gravity knives, and stilettos are legal, including many others as zero knives are illegal. However, Any weapon considered offensive or over the top is illegal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Oklahoma has zero regulations on collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: You’ll need a permit in most areas, but solar is otherwise legal in this state.
37: Oregon
- Handgun Carry Laws: Allowed to open carry without a permit, but must possess a license to carry concealed.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Automatic knives, daggers, dirks, gravity knives, balisongs, and stilettos are legal to use in Oregon. These are illegal to carry concealed. Pocket knives can be concealed carried.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Legal only by collecting via roof systems, others no regulations.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar is legal in Oregon with no laws requiring permits.
38: Pennsylvania
- Handgun Carry Laws: No permit is needed for open carry, but it does require one for concealed carry.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Penknives, daggers, disguised knives, and bowies are legal but cannot be concealed. All other knives are legal, but it must not be offensive.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This state enforces zero regulations for collecting rainwater
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Pennsylvania does not allow anyone to be disconnected from the grid, but solar panels are legal in this state.
39: Rhode Island
- Handgun Carry Laws: You will need a permit in Rhode Island for the open and concealed carry of a handgun.
- Taser Laws: It is illegal to own a taser of any type in Rhode Island.
- Knife Laws: Dirks, daggers, sword canes, and stabbing knives are legal in Rhode Island, but they must be openly carried. All other knives are otherwise legal.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: 10% installation tax credit given to people collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: You’ll find that the incentives are nice, as they are offered when solar panels are used in Rhode Island.
40: South Carolina
- Handgun Carry Laws: Open carry is prohibited in South Carolina, although concealed carry is allowed with a permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All knives are legal. Balisongs, dirks, stilettos, switchblades, and stabbing knives are legal. These cannot be concealed.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Legal with zero regulations found in South Carolina.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Incentives are offered in the state of South Carolina, offering incentives.
41: South Dakota
- Handgun Carry Laws: Concealed carry requires you to possess a permit, but concealed carry is legal without one.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: There are no knife laws in South Dakota.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Zero regulations were found for collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: There are no laws that make solar panel use illegal in this state, nor are there any permits required for common usage.
42: Tennessee
- Handgun Carry Laws: A handgun license is needed for carrying openly and concealed in Tennessee.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: There are no knife laws in Tennessee.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater collection is legal in Tennessee with no regulations.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Tennessee allows the usage of solar panels in all areas of the state.
43: Texas
- Handgun Carry Laws: Texas requires all who possess a handgun to have a Texas license to carry.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Most knives are legal, except for ones that feature knuckle buster similarities. All blades legally max out at 5.5”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater collecting systems must be built into the home.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Most areas do not require a grid connection, but solar is legal in the entire state.
44: Utah
- Handgun Carry Laws: All handgun carriers are required by law to possess a permit in Utah.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Any weapon considered dangerous to human life is illegal. However, dirks, daggers, gravity knives, bowies, stilettos, and automatic knives are legal, openly carried. Pocket knives can be concealed carried.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Registered =2500 GALs, non registered =200 GALs
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Utah allows everyone to power their homes using solar energy.
45: Vermont
- Handgun Carry Laws: Vermont does not require anyone to possess a permit to carry a handgun, openly or concealed.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Knives such as the dagger, stilettos, throwing stars, stabbing knives, and disguised knives are legal, openly carried. Switchblades are legally openly carried under 3’.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: There were zero regulations found for collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: You will not need any permits to use solar energy in Vermont, nor do you have to be connected via the grid; but if you are, you may receive incentives.
46: Virginia
- Handgun Carry Laws: Permit is not required for open carrying, but you will need one to carry a handgun concealed.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Daggers, dirks, gravity knives, switchblades, and throwing knives and stars are legal in Virginia. These cannot be openly carried, but pocket knives can be.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: No regulations found, installment income tax credit available.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Virginia allows the use of solar panels throughout the entire state.
47: Washington
- Handgun Carry Laws: Permissible to carry openly, but may not draw under any circumstances. Concealed carry requires a permit.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: Throwing stars, dirks, disguised knives, stilettos, and daggers are legal. Pocket knives are also legal. Switchblades are illegal under any circumstance.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: No regulations were found that prohibit collecting rainwater.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: Solar usage is legal throughout Washington, and grid tying is not required.
48: West Virginia
- Handgun Carry Laws: No permit needed to carry openly, but you’ll need one to carry concealed in West Virginia.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: All knives are legal in West Virginia, but some of them must be openly carried. This includes most knives over 3.5’. Daggers, gravity knives, switchblades, dirks, and stilettos cannot be concealed carried, nor any knife over 3.5”.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: Rainwater collecting in West Virginia has zero regulations.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: You are allowed to power your home via solar in the state of West Virginia, with no license required.
49: Wisconsin
- Handgun Carry Laws: Wisconsin does not require a permit for open carry, but it is a must to carry a license for concealed.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: There are no knife laws in Wisconsin.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: This state has no regulations that prohibit this.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: No laws are stated that solar use is illegal in Wisconsin, and you do not have to be connected via a grid.
50: Wyoming
- Handgun Carry Laws: No permit is required for open carry or concealed carry for residents of Wyoming; they are voluntary to make specific processes simpler. Nonresidents are required to have a license to carry from a state that Wyoming honors.
- Taser Laws: Tasers are legal to use in this state.
- Knife Laws: There are no knife laws in Wisconsin.
- Rain Harvesting Laws: The collection of rainwater is legal with zero regulations.
- Trapping Laws: Trapping is legal in this state.
- Solar Laws: There do not appear to be any laws that state solar use is not legal in Washington.
Disclaimer: None of this is legal advice. Please check with your local government to ensure these laws haven’t changed and are accurate before you follow them as true; we hold no responsibility for any actions taken motivated by this article.
This article was created for those looking to learn a few laws about their state, this way you can be informed about laws, some of which you may not have known even existed. Many of them do not go into detail, which is nearly impossible, as many laws have pages worth of information.
However, this list should give you a good idea of what to look for in each state, this way you stay out of trouble. You may even find a state that suits your prepping style better than the one you currently dwell in.
Nevertheless, if you know of an interesting law that we did not include in this list, let everyone know by commenting below. The final rule, which is essential for every prepper to understand, is to simply keep private.